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Re: UNIX in Perspective (was: Re: DOS and Macro Virus Discussion)

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996, Bob Hardin (eLeCTRo) wrote:

> Preach on Mark.....  Im 17 and I admin for NewWave internet ive used SOME 
> sort of UNIX OS sence I was 12.  Unix is something MICRO$OFT CAN NEVER 
> TOUCH.  Mainly beacouse bill cant use anything but a gui ;) 

I am not a fan of Microsoft, however, I don't think a person should
slander Bill, unless the person can show he/she could program using the 8
bit dip switches like he did to program his original MS Basic. As for unix,
SCO unix use to be a MS product. Ok, may be I should not call it unix, 
but they did sell it as a unix OS. Now, how would you know he uses GUI 
interface. May be he sells one, but knows better than to use one...

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